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Playing Ball with City Hall 3/13/24
Maggiano's Little Italy
111 W. Grand Ave.
Chicago, IL 60654

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM CST
Category: Breakfast Meeting


Playing Ball with City Hall
Teaming up with local officials to navigate
tight markets and develop thriving communities.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Breakfast 7:45 am 
Program 8:15 - 9:30 am

Maggiano's Little Italy
111 W. Grand, Chicago

REIA Member - $50  Non-member - $80  
     Student - $25
After 3/8/24 REIA Member - $60  Non-member - $90 
      Student - $35 

Valet Parking Available

Municipalities offer an array of public incentive and partnership tools to spur developments that otherwise
would not be feasible.  Tools like tax increment financing, sales tax rebates, property tax incentives,
and public private partnerships can strengthen pro formas and transform communities. In our tight money
environment, such tools might be the only way to close financing gaps and deliver needed community
investment. So why do relatively few developers pursue them?

We'll explore how to "play ball with City Hall" for both rookies and grizzled veterans of the
incentive/partnership field. How should a developer approach local officials with a proposal? What sorts of
proposals are communities looking for? What types of support might be available? And what does it take to
get an incentive or partnership approved? Questions & answers to follow.


ancellations must be made by Friday, March 8, 2024.